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Hey Doggy, Listen Up!

19 January @ 11:15 am 12:00 pm

Hey Doggy, Listen Up!

Meet Nessa – like all booklovers, she loves nothing more than a cuddle and to listen to stories.

If you, your child or someone you know gets worried or nervous about reading aloud, finds it tricky sometimes to read the words or feels anxious in a shop or social space then spending some time with a gentle, calming, good listener like Nessa can help. She can put you at ease, doesn’t judge you, can help calm any nerves and wants to hear what you’ve got to say.

Reading to, stroking or just being around a therapy dog has been proven to help build confidence in many ways and to improve reading and if there’s one thing we are passionate about, it’s helping to spread the joy of books and bookshops and breaking down any barriers to reading.

Nessa and her lovely owner Sally are volunteers with an amazing charity called Therapy Dogs Nationwide who helped made this new venture possible. Home – THERAPY DOGS NATIONWIDE (tdn.org.uk). We are very grateful to them for giving up their time to come along.

“Hey doggy, listen up!” will now be a regular feature at Mr B’s so watch this space and please share with others you feel might benefit from meeting Nessa.

14-15, John St
Bath, BA1 2JL
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