Bath BID Welcome Ambassador Ann Cullis shares her favourite places to go for a spectacular view of the city…
My favourite places in Bath are where you can get up and see the city spread out before you. Bath is in a dip surrounded by hills, so whichever way you leave the city centre, you have to climb. Here are some of my favourite vantage points:

1. Up Bathwick Hill to the entrance to the field above Smallcombe (on right, opposite Cleveland Walk), through the gate, and a little way up to your left to the top of the field. See the train station, both platforms, and watch the trains!
2. Up North Road towards the University (a much nicer and quieter walk than Bathwick Hill). Roughly opposite the entrance to the Golf Club, on your right you can peer through the hedge and see right across to the south.
3. Along Warminster Road to the new development Holburne Park on the ex-MOD site. Go a little further and there are gaps between houses which give an incredible view across to Fairfield Park and Charlcombe.
4. Along Walcot Street, by the turn into Beehive Yard on the right, there is a sudden and glorious view of Little Solsbury Hill, so unexpected in the middle of such a built-up area.
5. From Walcot Street to London Street, cross over to the left hand side where there is a high pavement. From here there is a gap in the buildings opposite where you can see directly across to Prior Park, Ralph Allen’s mansion.
6. And in reverse, walk up Ralph Allen Drive to Prior Park Landscape Garden and from the top of the garden (below the school) you can see across the other way.
7. A big climb up to Alexandra Park – but worth it for the view to the north across the city to Lansdown.
8. Slog up Lansdown Road till you get to St Stephen’s Church; turn round and look back behind you – a great view of St Michael’s Church spire (next to Waitrose).
9. And another reverse – this is for after dark – cross Pulteney Bridge and go left into Grove Street. After a short distance, you can see St Stephen’s Church, which is often flood-lighted purple.
10. And the one I haven’t done yet – the tower of Bath Abbey.