
West of England Birthday Bus Initiative

Here at the Bath BID we are teaming up with the West of England Mayor’s BIRTHDAY BUS initiative  –  where all residents of the West of England Combined Authority and North Somerset Council area are invited to travel for free, on all regular bus routes, for the whole of their birthday month!

Over the past year, millions of Birthday Bus journeys have dropped thousands of customers at the doorstep of businesses in the WECA area  – both new and repeat customers all year long – and we’re now promoting and widening this scheme for the benefit of the Bath BID’s valued levy-payers.

Already on-board (excuse the pun!) here in Bath, we have:

  • Bath Aqua Glass – offering free coffee/cake to glass-blowing session Birthday-bookers
  • The Forum – offering a free glass of wine to event-goers booking in their birthday month
  • Molton Brown’s staff are inviting Birthday Bus customers to enjoy a free hand and arm massage
  • Mary Shelley’s House of Frankenstein is discounting entry for birthday fright and literature-lovers 
  • And the Krater Club is lowering the price, but certainly not the laughs, at Komedia Bath